What are the benefits of seafood? Seafood: list, useful properties, cooking methods Shrimp with tomato-garlic sauce.

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This is the name given to food products obtained from the sea (this does not include fish, meat of marine mammals: whales, seals, etc.). Their advantages are low calorie content (50 kcal per 100 g), high nutritional value (they contain a lot of protein, which is absorbed 2 times faster than meat), and rich composition. Seafood contains a lot of B vitamins, omega fatty acids, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine, etc. (more than 30 useful substances in total).

Doctors recommend regularly consuming seafood for people with thyroid diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for those who suffer from obesity or want to stay young longer: according to WHO, the most long-livers are among peoples who regularly consume seafood. 50–300 g per day is enough (the norm for an adult).


Order of decapod cephalopods. Typically measuring 0.25-0.5 m, giant squids of the genus Architeuthis can reach 20 meters (including tentacles) and are the largest invertebrates. Industrial squid weighing up to 800 grams is often found in supermarkets. The edible part of the squid is the mantle, under which all its vital organs, head and tentacles are hidden.


This is a representative of the class of cephalopods. It is often called the “sea chameleon” because it can change its color to match its surroundings. The color of the cuttlefish is heterogeneous: the tentacles are greenish, the fins have a purple tint, the dorsal part is brownish with stripes and spots, and the belly is lighter. Cuttlefish is found in subtropical and tropical seas, mainly in shallow water bodies.


Short-tailed crayfish (Brachyura), a suborder of invertebrate animals of the order of decapod crustaceans. The head is small; stalked eyes. The cephalothorax is wide, the width of the pectoral shield is from 2 to 20 cm, in the Japanese deep-sea crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) it is up to 60 cm. The first pair of walking legs is equipped with claws. The crab's abdomen is short, tucked under the cephalothorax; The abdominal limbs in males (2 pairs) are transformed into the copulatory apparatus; in females (4 pairs) they are used for bearing eggs. Crabs live in the seas, in fresh water bodies and on land. All crabs, except freshwater ones, breed in the sea.


Crustaceans from the order Decapoda. Shrimp are widely distributed in the seas of the whole world; many species have mastered fresh waters. The size of adult shrimp of different representatives varies from 2 to 30 cm. In the seas of the Russian Far East, the shrimp fauna includes more than 100 species. Many representatives of this group are objects of industrial fishing.


Langoustines are the closest relatives of spiny lobsters, but look more like lobsters. They belong to decapod crustaceans. These sea creatures have a strong, bright orange or pink hard shell, and their size ranges from 15 to 25 centimeters.

Lobster (lobster)

Belongs to the family of large marine decapod crustaceans. The lobster has a strong shell and ten legs, two of which have grown into claws. Although today they are considered a gourmet food, in the 19th century lobsters were used as fish bait and even as fertilizer for fields. Nmx have dense, rich meat under the shell, in the tails and legs. Lobster liver and caviar are also edible.


Belongs to the family of marine bivalve mollusks. In a narrower sense, only the type genus of the family, Mytilus, is called mussels. Representatives of this group live throughout the world's oceans. Some (the genera Mytilus, Perna, Crenomytilus) are important fisheries, along with representatives of another family of bivalve mollusks - oysters. Mussel shells are symmetrical and can close very tightly.

Sea kale

An edible algae belonging to the class of brown seaweeds. Since ancient times, humanity has consumed seaweed as a simple, easily obtained food product containing significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Previously, sea kale was mainly consumed by residents of coastal areas. Nowadays, knowledge about the healing properties of seaweed has made it very popular in different parts of our planet, remote from the seas and oceans.


They belong to the family of bivalve marine mollusks. Scallops are able to move through the water column due to the creation of jet thrust by the frequent flapping of the valves. These mollusks live in all oceans. The shell of scallops is unequal-shaped with ears - large areas behind and in front of the apex. Their size can vary, for example, Japanese ones are very large, while Galician and Scottish ones reach medium sizes. Chilean red scallops are very tasty and prized in the Western Hemisphere, even though they are small.


The most famous representative of cephalopods has a short, soft body, oval at the back. The mouth opening is located where its tentacles meet, and the anal opening opens under the mantle. The robe resembles a wrinkled leather bag. The octopus's mouth is equipped with two powerful jaws, similar to the beak of a parrot. There is a grater in the throat that helps to grind food. The head bears eight long tentacles - “arms”. In males, one tentacle is modified into a copulatory organ. The “hands” are connected to each other by a thin membrane and equipped with suction cups. There are about 2000 tentacles on all eight tentacles of an adult octopus, each of which has a holding force of about 100 g.


An invertebrate animal of the echinoderm type. The skeleton is greatly reduced. The body of the sea cucumber is elongated in cross-section, almost trapezoidal, somewhat flattened, especially in the lower part, worm-shaped; the mouth is located at one end, the anus at the other. The mouth is surrounded by a corolla of 18-20 tentacles that serve to capture food and leads into a long tubular intestine. The skin of the sea cucumber is dense, elastic, and contains numerous calcareous formations called spicules. A thick leathery sac contains all the internal organs. The dorsal side of the sea cucumber bears soft conical outgrowths - dorsal papillae, collected in 4 rows.


An edible bivalve marine mollusk, many species of which are edible. They live mainly in tropical seas. Connoisseurs consider oysters to be the greatest delicacy in general. Oysters prefer seawater with a low salt content, so they live only in the tidal zone near river mouths.

Sexual dysfunction in men arises not only from frequent stress, overwork, bad habits, but also from a lack of hormones in the body that are responsible for sexual functions.

To level up testosterone men need to eat foods rich in Omega fatty acids, selenium, zinc, magnesium and B vitamins. And since every ejaculation is associated with loss of sperm, these microelements are also lost. Therefore, the need for seafood among men is increasing, especially among those who have regular sex life. All of the above microelements found in abundance in seafood.

Giving preference to seafood, many of us do not think about how healthy this or that sea fish is. It is known that sea fish is very different from river fish in its taste and composition. Any type of sea fish has many beneficial properties. Unlike river fish, almost all seafood contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, saturated and unsaturated fats.

What kind of sea fish do experts advise men to add to their diet? We bring to your attention a list of the healthiest seafood.

1. Wild salmon from Alaska

This sea fish has a high content of nutrients. It contains a large amount of unsaturated fats. This is where it differs from captive-bred salmon. The latter contains a large amount of saturated fats, the presence of which is undesirable in the diet.

In addition to proteins, fats and amino acids, wild salmon meat also contains the following valuable microelements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. Salmon is rich vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B12, PP.

But the most important thing in this fish is the presence Omega-3 fatty acids– these acids are of great value to humans. They are not produced by the body, so they can only be obtained from food.

2. Atlantic tuna

There is an opinion that this delicious sea fish, living in ocean waters, absorbs large amounts of mercury. But this is not entirely true. The fact is that tuna is mainly exported and is caught young. Therefore, it does not have time to absorb a substance dangerous to the body. At the same time, experts advise buying young carcasses of small sizes.

Tuna meat is highly valued due to its greatest protein content (almost 30%) among all the fish. It also contains unique Omega-3 fats, amino acids, vitamins A, B, E, PP, as well as micro- and macroelements.

Tuna occupies a record position in terms of availability iodine, chromium and cobalt. It prevents the development of pathologies of the heart and kidneys. It is an excellent preventative against Alzheimer's disease, normalizes heart rate and regulates blood pressure.

3. Pacific sardines

Sardines are very healthy. This sea fish is perfectly absorbed by the body and is a source of a large number of useful substances, including iodine, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and sodium.

Sardines contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of this small fish reduces the likelihood of blood clots in blood vessels, improves brain function and improves vision.

Sardines contain a valuable complex of vitamins, as well as fish oil, which lowers blood cholesterol levels.

This fish contains Coenzyme Q10 is a highly effective antioxidant to strengthen the immune system.

However, when including sardines in your diet, remember that this fish is a fatty and high-calorie product, so it is advisable to consume it boiled or canned. By the way, its beneficial properties do not disappear in canned food.

4. Farmed rainbow trout

This fish is very healthy and tasty. Unlike wild trout, it contains no pesticides or other harmful substances. Rainbow trout meat contains a large amount of easily digestible protein. At the same time, it is low-calorie (119 Kcal per 100 g of product).

Rainbow trout contains Omega-3 fatty acids. It is also rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, water soluble vitamin B and microelements.

Nutritionists say that eating this fish once a week will help reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels, and also avoid memory problems.

5. Oysters

This seafood delicacy is very rich in zinc and has a positive effect on men's health. Oysters contain a lot of protein, so it is recommended to eat no more than 5-6 of them at a time.

In addition to the high protein content, oyster meat contains fats, carbohydrates, as well as minerals: zinc, copper, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, iron. Oysters are also rich vitamins B1, B2, B12 and PP.

Scientists from many countries claim that oysters contain unique amino acids that stimulate the production of sexual hormones. Oysters also contain zinc- the main nutrient for testosterone synthesis in men.

Before buying, check them for freshness. Sinks must be tightly closed. If there is even the slightest crack, the oyster is spoiled.

6. Arctic char

This sea fish is related to trout and salmon. But she is less popular. However, Arctic char also has many beneficial properties. First of all, char - environmentally friendly product. For this he is loved all over the world. Lives in the northern seas and oceans. Char meat is red, very juicy and tasty. Its distinctive feature is the complete absence of scales. Therefore, char is very convenient to cook.

This fish is rich in the following microelements: zinc, sodium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium etc. It also contains vitamins K, E, B, A, PP.

Regular consumption of Arctic char will help avoid problems with the liver and digestive organs.

7. Mussels

Mussels belong to the mollusk family. Their habitat is not only seas and oceans. Mussels can also be grown artificially. Mussel meat, like many other seafood, is very rich protein and fatty acids. It also contains a large amount of microelements such as zinc, iodine, manganese, cobalt, iron, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Mussels contain a lot of vitamins, without which the functioning of the human body is impossible - these are vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6), A, PP, C, D, E.

Mussel lovers should not worry about gaining excess weight - mussels contain only 77 kcal per 100 grams.

Also these shellfish are excellent antioxidant. Regular consumption of mussels helps improve metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

8. Cultivated Barramundi (White Bass)

Barramundi or white sea bass is a versatile fish with white, juicy and tender meat. It has two advantages - it has practically no bones and its meat, even as a result of prolonged heat treatment, does not lose its juiciness.

This fish has enough low fat(3 g per 100 g of meat). There are also completely no carbohydrates. White perch contains vitamins of group B, as well as A, D, E, PP, C. In addition to vitamins, this fish is rich in minerals - most of all it contains potassium.

The calorie content of white perch is 103 Kcal per 100 grams of meat. Nutritionists recommend using it for normalization of the thyroid gland and blood sugar levels.

9. Shrimp

This exotic gift of the sea is considered a real seafood delicacy. An interesting fact is that shrimp not only have unique gastronomic properties, but are also very healthy. One of the main properties is their low calorie. The fat content of shrimp meat is very low. At the same time, shrimp meat is rich in proteins, which contain a large number of amino acids necessary for the human body.

Shrimp also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Due to its rich beneficial composition, shrimp have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, normalize blood pressure and increase potency. But the most useful substance in shrimp is chitin is a covering that crunches slightly on the teeth. It is analogue of fiber, is not digested in the body, easily and quickly passes through the intestines, collecting and absorbing all kinds of harmful substances and toxins. At the same time, the substance stimulates contraction of the intestinal muscles, improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

However, do not forget that shrimp contains cholesterol. Although it is small, those suffering from high cholesterol should consume shrimp in moderation.

10. Squid

Squids are famous not only for their pleasant and mild taste, but also for their beneficial properties. Squid meat contains large amount of protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. It's also rich vitamins B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12, C and E.

As for microelements, squid contains a lot potassium and magnesium. No wonder in the east they call squid "balsam for the heart" . They also do not contain saturated fatty acids. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with high cholesterol levels consume this seafood regularly. Squid contains a large amount of taurine, a substance that helps eliminate bad cholesterol.

However, despite the many beneficial properties of this seafood, squid can cause allergies and cause food poisoning- this is due to the fact that squids tend to accumulate mercury, which is harmful to the human body. Therefore, you need to be careful about the choice and place of purchase of squid: under no circumstances buy them at spontaneous markets. Also, before you buy squid, you need to find out their habitat.

Squids will only be beneficial if they are cooked correctly. Overcooked squid will have tough and tasteless meat.

Since ancient times, humanity has become accustomed to eating everything that Nature has given it: not only plant foods and animal meat, but also what can be caught in sea water. Seafood still remains on the list of the most healthy and delicious foods. These include shrimp, lobster, crab, oysters, scallops, mussels, squid and other delicacies.

The most beneficial for humans are scallops. In addition to microelements, they contain a record amount of B vitamins. Scallop meat was considered healing back in ancient times BC.

Sea cucumbers are very rich in minerals. They also contain a huge percentage of useful sulfuric acid and chloride salts.

Without exception, all seafood is a real storehouse of protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

As for harm, it can also be present. For example, one of the worst disadvantages of seafood is the high probability of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in them. After eating a plate of delicious oysters, you can easily become infected with a bacillus, which is similar in action to Vibrio cholera. This means severe poisoning, accompanied by complications.

Seafood also often contains heavy metals that are harmful to the body.

Shrimp, squid and mussels sometimes contain arsenic, which can lead to poisoning.

Another danger that awaits seafood lovers is the risk of an allergic reaction. Most often, the allergy manifests itself as a rash and itching; in more severe cases, swelling of the larynx, dizziness and headaches, and even loss of consciousness are observed.

To avoid these dangers, you need to remember two important rules: firstly, seafood must be very fresh, and secondly, it must be cooked.

And now - a little more about the different types of seafood that most often end up on our table.

The benefits and harms of mussels

These mollusks have a delicate, unique taste. Mussels are rich in proteins - there is more of them than in any meat or fish. At the same time, the calorie content of mussels is very low. Mussels contain mineral salts, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, and vitamins. In order for all this wealth to be absorbed as best as possible, mussels should be consumed together with rice and vegetables.

However, while at sea, mussels can accumulate toxins produced by protozoa. The safest mussels are not those that have just been caught from the sea, but those that have been kept for a month in a special farm in running clean water.

The benefits and harms of shrimp

In addition to zinc, sulfur, potassium, iodine and calcium, polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids are found in shrimp, without which the body is not able to develop normally. Proteins, proteins and fatty acids are all also present in shrimp.

Eating shrimp helps normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves immunity, and reduces the risk of cancer.

Shrimp can also be harmful because they accumulate radioactive substances, which are often found in sea water. In order not to harm your body, you need to carefully choose shrimp: you cannot eat those that were caught in unfavorable regions.

The benefits and harms of squid

Squid meat is surprisingly rich in proteins and vitamins. In addition, squids supply the human body with essential microelements such as phosphorus, copper, iodine, selenium, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Another indisputable plus: the substances that make up squid meat have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart. This meat is also beneficial for the digestive system.

But the harm that squid can cause makes us cautious about their consumption. True, it is very unlikely that squid meat may contain mercury, and yet, avoid buying them from random sellers, in spontaneous markets and in other suspicious places.

The benefits and harm of Crabs

Crabs are an ideal protein food with a low percentage of fat. Crab contains taurine, which perfectly nourishes blood vessels and muscles. Crab meat is valuable for its unique polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega-6 and Omega-3. Eating crabs helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.

However, it must be remembered that crabs live on the seabed, which means they accumulate bacteria and radioactive elements in their meat.

In a word, if you eat seafood in moderation, ensuring their freshness and proper preparation, you will receive unambiguous benefits and pleasure.

Seafood usually refers to small sea animals: shrimp and mussels. But in fact, seafood is everything that the world's oceans give us, including fish and numerous types of algae. We have collected recipes that will help you celebrate Sea Day deliciously.

So, what seafood do we include in our diet:



Recipe Crab meat is considered one of the most valuable seafood delicacies. The claws and abdomen contain the most meat. It contains a lot of potassium, iron and calcium. Crab meat also contains a lot of vitamin PP and B vitamins.

Crabs are usually boiled; their meat can be canned and even frozen - it will not lose its value. Usually meat is served as a separate dish or cold appetizer.


Krill are small crustaceans that are caught in Antarctica. Krill meat is one of the most environmentally friendly, as the icy waters of Antarctica are less polluted. Krill does not accumulate toxins, and also contains a large amount of vitamins and beneficial natural compounds. A large amount of vitamins A, B and D were found in meat.


Squid Photo: Shutterstock.com

Squid is perceived by many of us simply as a snack for beer, but meanwhile the meat of this cephalopod is very valuable from a dietary point of view. It contains not only easily digestible protein, but also healthy fatty acids. In China, it is even called sea ginseng, hinting at its enormous healing potential. In addition, squid is rich in taurine, which helps eliminate cholesterol that is dangerous to the body, and stabilizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Finally, squid contains substances that improve digestion.

Cooks blanch squid for salads and light appetizers (enough for the meat to shrink when dipped in boiling water for seconds); Squid is also dried, fried, baked, marinated... This meat goes well with vegetables and dough.

In order for our body to get as many useful substances as possible along with food, we try to diversify our diet as much as possible. We try to eat a large amount of fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat and fish and are always looking for more and more new sources of valuable minerals and vitamins. What is the main benefit of seafood, and can eating it harm the body? What animals are included in the list of seafood, and how to consume them correctly?

Types of seafood

So, all seafood is divided into shellfish and crustaceans. The first includes mollusks that are enclosed in a shell. Classic representatives of shellfish are oysters and mussels. Animals such as the striped nevus and scallop are also classified as armored animals. Crustaceans are lobsters, shrimp, lobsters and other animals that have claws, legs or antennae. All seafood, except crayfish, live in the seas.

The benefits of seafood

In addition to its pleasant taste, seafood has other beneficial benefits. The meat of the gifts of the underwater kingdom is a quickly digestible protein that is not inferior in quality to meat. Seafood meat is considered dietary because it is non-caloric and contains a large amount of healthy fatty acids and microelements. For example, Omega-3, which is rich in almost all seafood, significantly improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of developing cancer.

  • Crab meat helps strengthen the immune system (due to its high zinc and copper content) and prevent cardiovascular diseases (due to fatty acids). This product is also extremely rich in iodine.
  • If we talk about lobsters, then it is customary to eat animal ticks. In fact, the most valuable substances are contained in the neck of this crustacean. We are talking about potassium, zinc and copper, which effectively resist premature aging.
  • The largest amount of phosphorus, one of the most valuable substances in seafood, is found in lobsters. This microelement effectively stimulates brain function, therefore it is useful for people engaged in mental work. 100 grams of low-calorie meat from this animal provides 33% of the daily requirement of iodine, 10% of calcium and 20% of magnesium.
  • Shrimp meat is the richest in protein among all other seafood. For those who want to lose weight, this product is ideal - it contains no sugars or fats. In addition, shrimp is a leader in vitamin B12 content, which activates the production of hemoglobin and also effectively strengthens the nervous system. Also, eating shrimp can normalize and stabilize hormonal levels. Some studies show that shrimp meat can help cure colds associated with the respiratory tract.
  • Sea snails contain record amounts of magnesium and vitamin B6. That is why, by regularly consuming snail meat, you can effectively prevent depression.
  • Mussels are an exclusively female seafood product. After all, the meat of these shellfish contains a large amount of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Regular consumption of this type of seafood will have a great effect on the condition of your skin, hair and nails.
  • Octopus and squid contain sodium, phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, their meat is useful for strengthening the immune system, improving vision, and also for maintaining hormonal balance.

How to choose the right seafood

Today in supermarkets there is simply a huge selection of a wide variety of seafood, which is most often sold frozen. In principle, such a product can be purchased in large retail chains without much concern. The only thing that should be treated with caution is the so-called king shrimp, which are distinguished by their gigantic size and high popularity among our fellow citizens. Experts warn: these shrimp are grown artificially, achieving large seafood sizes through special growth stimulants and other harmful substances. Although in order for harmful elements to accumulate in the body, such shrimp must be consumed regularly and for a long time. If you don't feel like peeling small shrimp to prepare your dish, opt for shrimp meat that has already been peeled.

It is better to buy shellfish while they are still alive. To make sure that the seafood is fresh, you need to knock on the shell - the doors should slam shut. Fresh seafood can be distinguished by the fresh smell of the sea, as well as by the colorlessness of the contents. Stale clams have dirty gray meat and open shells.

A distinctive feature of fresh (both raw and already boiled) crustaceans is a hard shell and dense, slightly shiny meat. The meat of stale seafood is dry and dull.

Laminaria - seaweed

This seafood is also called seaweed. This product is perhaps the most accessible of all the gifts of the underwater depths. In addition, it can be consumed in a variety of forms - pickled, salted, dry, fresh and canned. Sea kale is extremely useful for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, as it contains a huge amount of iodine. Moreover, this substance is in organic – the most easily digestible form. As one of the most effective foods for weight loss, seaweed is valued for its high dietary fiber content and extremely low calorie content. Laminaria is used in cosmetology and medicine, and its vitamin composition is quite rich.

Systematic consumption of seaweed can tone the body, improve metabolism, relieve constipation, and also strengthen hair roots. Laminaria is also credited with preventing atherosclerosis, blood clots and increased cholesterol levels. In some countries today they produce bread with kelp. In addition, these algae are considered a powerful aphrodisiac, so some experts recommend the use of kelp as a prevention of sexual dysfunction - in both men and women.

It is worth remembering that some seafood can accumulate harmful substances, especially mercury. This is due to the quality of the water in which they grow and reproduce. That is why, recently, breeding scientists have been breeding more and more new types of seafood that could live in clean waters. In addition, experts do not recommend eating seafood raw. This is especially true for oysters, which are usually eaten without heat treatment. These shellfish may contain a harmful bacterium that can cause severe poisoning and a whole range of complex diseases. Another type of seafood that raises doubts among experts is shrimp, which we all love. Some scientists believe that their meat contains a lot of bad cholesterol and do not recommend eating a lot of shrimp. Other experts say that this cholesterol is actually “good” cholesterol, so the benefits of eating shrimp are much greater than the possible harm.

In any case, you should not get too carried away with eating seafood, as even the most healthy products can be harmful if used uncontrolled. To diversify your diet and enrich the body with useful elements, two times a week will be enough. Cook seafood with rice - this grain neutralizes harmful substances. If you buy packaged seafood, be sure to read the label carefully and consume it exactly within the specified period, otherwise it is very easy to get poisoned by seafood!

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