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Body structure, wings, organs of vision, hearing and smell in butterflies...

A group of families of the order of moths, or as they are called - lepidoptera, are the second species in the class of butterflies. Most nocturnal butterflies, as their name suggests, are active at dusk or at night. Among other things, nocturnal butterflies differ from daytime butterflies not only in their temporary activity, but also in their structural features, because the body and wings of moths are thicker, and the color of the wings is duller and relatively monochromatic.

The antennae (antennae) of nocturnal butterflies are most often feathery or filamentous, and they are called multi-whiskered, while in daytime butterflies their antennae are club-shaped, and therefore, butterflies of the day group are also called club-whiskered.

Life cycle of night and day butterflies - from caterpillar to butterfly

Moths can lay eggs either singly or in groups. Female moths can lay eggs even on the fly, introduce them into plant tissue, or place them on pre-selected, various objects. At the first stage, from the eggs of moths, worm-like larvae appear in the form of caterpillars. They have a separate and hard head, and the chest is smaller than that of daytime ones, and they have three pairs of jointed legs with a terminal claw and an abdomen.

On the abdomen, as a rule, there are five pairs of false legs, the last pair of legs is located at the very end of the moth’s body. The false legs of all types of butterflies end in several bristles.

After several molts, the caterpillars of future moths turn into pupae, which in most of them are located in a silk cocoon woven by the larva. After a certain period of time, which depends on the type of moth and external conditions, an adult moth emerges from the pupa

The structure of night and day butterflies

For the most part, moths are very similar in appearance to each other, and their body consists of a head, chest and abdomen. The rather small head of the moth bears a pair of compound eyes and two clearly visible antennae. Most nocturnal butterfly species have two pairs of wings on their chests, and their bodies are covered with thick hairs and scales.

The mouth of moths looks like this - their proboscis, which folds into a flat spiral, is considered one of the most specialized mouths in the class of insects. When the moth is not feeding, its mouth is usually hidden under thick scales and is not visible. The unfolded proboscis of moths is well adapted for feeding; they use it to suck up liquid food, and with its base the proboscis opens directly into the butterfly’s throat.

Some species, as a rule, are the most primitive representatives of the nocturnal order of butterflies; in their adult state they have gnawing jaws, which are more characteristic of caterpillars and other groups of insects. site/node/2892

About butterfly wings and their structure

Typical moths, like the others, have two pairs of well-developed wings, which are densely covered with scales and hairs. However, the structure of the wings of butterflies is very diverse: in some species, they may be almost completely absent.

Butterfly wings - can be wide or narrow planes, which are almost linear structures. This is why the ability of different types of butterflies to fly varies.

In a number of moths, scales and hairs on the plane of the wings are practically absent, although this does not affect their ability to fly well. Their wings are narrow, and they do not need additional mechanical support, in the form of scaly cover.

In some species, rather small moths, the wings are so narrow that, most likely, they could not provide the butterfly with lifting force if not for the long bordering hairs on their wings. These hairs are located so densely on the wings of the butterfly that they significantly increase the area of ​​contact of the wings with the air, i.e. - its supporting surfaces.

Butterflies' sensory organs include smell, hearing and vision.

Nocturnal and diurnal butterflies have special sensory structures on various parts of their body, such as the organs of smell, hearing and vision.

Olfactory organs in butterflies - these organs are located on its antennae (antennae), in most moths, they are outgrowths, pineal or wedge-shaped with thin walls. They are supplied by a group of special sensory cells, which are usually located in the deeper layers of the cuticle, and are interconnected by branches of sensory nerves.

Speaking of smell, in many species of moths it is most likely very subtle; it has not been proven, but it is assumed that it is thanks to the sense of smell that butterflies find sources of food, just like representatives of the opposite sex.

Hearing organs in butterflies - all diurnal butterflies lack tympanic hearing organs, but some nocturnal butterflies have them. These mechanical receptors are located in butterflies in the lateral recesses, on its posterior chest, as well as in the first segments of the abdomen. In turn, these recesses are covered with a thin membrane, and under it is the tracheal cavity.

How does a butterfly hear - sound waves propagating in the air activate the membrane, causing it to vibrate. In turn, vibration stimulates the excitation of sensory cells, which then transmit a signal to the branches of the sensory nerves.

The organs of vision in butterflies are their eyes.

As we said above, the main organs of vision in butterflies are its two large compound eyes, which in many of them occupy almost the entire upper part of the butterfly’s head. Such large eyes of a butterfly, characteristic of many other species of insects, consist of many elements of the same size and independent of each other, the so-called ommatidia. Each eye of a butterfly is a simple eye with a lens, containing a light-sensitive retina and nerve endings (innervation). site/node/2892

Judging by the behavior of butterflies, both diurnal and nocturnal, their visual acuity, like that of many other insects, is good only at close range, but they apparently see distant objects, but rather vaguely.

On the other hand, thanks to the independent work of many ommatidia, objects caught in motion in their field of vision are perceived by them, most likely, on an enlarged scale, because they cause the excitation of hundreds, and maybe thousands of receptor nerve cells of the butterfly. Therefore, we can conclude that the eyes of butterflies are primarily intended for recording movements.

In conclusion, let's remember butterflies as insects

Butterflies, or as they are also called - Lepidoptera , like moths, moths, belong to the order of insects with a complete cycle of transformation. The most characteristic feature of representatives of this class of insects is the presence of a thick covering of chitinous scales on the front and hind wings.

These scales are located in butterflies, on the veins, on the wings and on the plate between them. Most species of butterflies are characterized by a specialized oral apparatus with a proboscis that sucks food, formed by the elongated lobes of the lower jaw of the butterfly. The shape and wingspan of butterflies is very diverse, starting from 2 mm and ending with a size of 28 centimeters.

Lepidoptera are the fossil remains of butterflies, known since the Jurassic period; today butterflies are one of the most common types of insects - there are more than 157,000 species. Representatives of butterflies live everywhere, on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

Butterflies - structure, wings, organs of vision, smell, hearing...

The content of the article

NIGHT BUTTERFLIES, a group of families of the order of butterflies, or lepidoptera (Lepidoptera), the second largest number of species in the class of insects. Most, as the name suggests, are crepuscular or nocturnal. In addition, night butterflies differ from day butterflies in their structural features. Their body is thicker, and the color of the wings is usually dull, relatively monochromatic. The antennae (antennae) are most often feathery or filamentous, while in daytime butterflies their ends are club-shaped, which is why the lepidoptera of this group are also called club-whiskers, and the moths are called moths of different antennae.

Life cycle.

Night butterflies lay eggs singly or in groups. Females can “shoot” them on the fly, introduce them into plant tissue, or carefully place them on pre-selected objects. The eggs hatch into worm-like larvae - caterpillars - with a clearly distinct hard head, a less prominent chest, bearing three pairs of true jointed legs with a terminal claw each, and an abdomen, on which there are usually five pairs of fleshy false legs, the last one at the very end of the body. The false legs of all butterflies end in several hook-shaped bristles. After several molts, the caterpillars turn into pupae, which in most moths are enclosed in a silk cocoon woven by the larva. Silk is produced by large specialized salivary glands. They secrete a protein-rich liquid that hardens into a fiber when exposed to air. This fiber is used for weaving a cocoon, lining an underground chamber dug by a caterpillar before pupation, building shelters, and also for special methods of protection from enemies. Inside the pupa of evolutionarily advanced taxa, the appendages of the developing adult (imago) are tightly pressed to the body and cannot move. After a certain period of time, depending on the species and external conditions, an adult butterfly emerges from the pupa.


The adults of most moths are very similar in appearance. Their body consists of three sections - head, chest and abdomen. The rather small head bears a pair of compound (compounded) eyes and a pair of clearly visible antennae. Most species have two pairs of wings on their chest. The entire body is densely covered with hairs and scales.

Oral apparatus.

The proboscis of butterflies, which folds into a flat spiral, is considered the most specialized oral apparatus in the class of insects. When not in use, it is usually hidden under thick scales. The expanded proboscis is well adapted for sucking up liquid food and its base opens directly into the pharynx. Non-feeding adults with rudiments of the oral apparatus are rare among butterflies. The most primitive representatives of this order in adulthood are armed with gnawing jaws, which are also characteristic of caterpillars of other groups of insects.


Typical butterflies have two pairs of well-developed wings, densely covered with hairs and scales derived from them. However, the structure of the wings varies greatly: they can be almost completely absent (due to evolutionary degeneration), represent wide planes or narrow, almost linear structures. Accordingly, the ability of different butterflies to fly varies. In a number of forms, for example, some wavefish, the wings are reduced only in females, while males remain good flyers. Species with both winged and wingless females are known. On the other hand, there are species in which the wings are apparently normally developed, but are non-functional as flight appendages; An example of this is the silkworm, which produces commercial silk: its males and females are winged, but are not capable of flying. Probably the best developed flying apparatus is in the hawk moth family. Their rather narrow wings beat with such frequency that the butterflies not only develop high speeds, but are also capable, like hummingbirds, of hovering in the air and even flying backwards.

In a number of moths, for example some hawkmoths and all glass moths, hairs and scales on the plane of the wings are practically absent, but this does not affect the ability to fly. The wings of these species are narrow, and they do not require additional mechanical support created by the scaly cover. In other cases, the system of veins in the wings is significantly reduced, and the supporting function is performed by scales located in a special way on their surface. Some very small butterflies have wings so narrow that they probably could not provide lift if not for the long hairs bordering them. They are located so densely that they increase the area of ​​bearing surfaces in contact with air.

The most clear structural difference between nocturnal butterflies and diurnal ones is associated with the mechanisms of coupling of the front and hind wings, i.e. synchronizing their movements in flight. Moths have two of these mechanisms. One of them is called bridle. The frenulum is a subulate-shaped projection extending from the underside of the anterior edge of the hind wing at its base. It is inserted into the so-called retinaculum on the forewing, which in males usually resembles a pocket and is located below at the anterior edge of the wing on the costal vein, and in females it looks like a tuft of setae or stiff hairs at the base of the medial vein. The second mechanism is provided by a narrow blade clinging to the rear wing on the inner edge of the front wing at its base. This structure, called yugum, is known only in a very few of the more primitive forms. In diurnal butterflies, traction is due to a growth on the hind wings that does not correspond to the frenulum. However, there are several known exceptions. One primitive day butterfly retains the frenulum, and some nocturnal butterflies have wings linked together, like day butterflies.

Sensory organs.

There are special sensory structures on various parts of the body of moths.

Olfactory organs.

These organs, located on the antennae of most moths, are pineal or wedge-shaped projections with thin cuticular walls. They are innervated by a group of special sensory cells located in the deeper layers of the cuticle and connected to the branches of the sensory nerves. The sense of smell of many moths appears to be very subtle: it is assumed that it is thanks to it that they find representatives of the opposite sex and sources of food.

Organs of hearing.

Some moths have tympanic hearing organs, although all diurnal moths lack them. These mechanoreceptors are located in the lateral recesses on the metathorax or the first segments of the abdomen. The recesses are covered with a thin cuticular membrane, under which there is a tracheal cavity. Sound waves propagating in the air cause the membrane to vibrate. This stimulates the excitation of special sensory cells, which is transmitted to the branches of the sensory nerves.

Organs of vision.

The main organs of vision of moths are two large compound eyes, occupying almost the entire upper part of the head. Such eyes, characteristic of most insects, consist of many identical elements independent of each other - ommatidia. Each of them is a simple eye with a lens, a light-sensitive retina and innervation. The hexagonal lenses of several thousand ommatidia of one compound eye of moths form its convex multifaceted surface. A detailed description of the structure and operation of such organs of vision would require too much space here, and it is important to note only one thing: each ommatidia, independently of the others, perceives part of the overall image, which ultimately turns out to be mosaic. Judging by the behavior of moths, their visual acuity, like that of other insects, is good at close range, but they most likely see distant objects rather blurry. However, thanks to the independent work of many ommatidia, the movements of objects within their field of vision are probably perceived even “on an enlarged scale,” since they immediately excite hundreds or even thousands of receptor nerve cells. Consequently, the conclusion suggests itself that eyes of this type are designed primarily for recording movements.


Like daytime butterflies, the coloration of night butterflies is dual in nature - structural and pigmentary. Pigments of various chemical compositions are formed in scales that densely cover the body of the insect. These substances absorb rays of a certain wavelength and reflect others, which represent the part of the solar spectrum that we see when looking at a butterfly. Structural coloring is the result of refraction and interference of light rays and is not associated with the presence of pigments. The layered structure of the wing scales and membranes, as well as the presence of longitudinal ridges and grooves on the scales, lead to the deflection and interaction of “white” solar rays in such a way that certain of their spectral components are enhanced and perceived by the observer as colors. In moths, the coloring in nature is mainly pigmentary.

Defense mechanisms.

A variety of protective mechanisms have been found in caterpillars, pupae and adults of moths.


Caterpillars from several fairly distant families of moths appear to have independently acquired similar defensive behaviors. A good example is bagworms and case-carriers. In the bagworm family, the caterpillars build silken houses with pieces of debris and leaves attached to the outside almost immediately after hatching. The structure of the shelter is such that only the front part of the larva protrudes from it, which, if disturbed, is completely retracted inside. The size of the house increases as the caterpillar grows, until it finally grows and pupates inside this “bag” of its own, reaching a length of 2.5–5 cm. After a few weeks, a winged male emerges from there, and the females of some genera remain in the house , and mating occurs with the help of a highly specialized copulatory organ, which the male inserts there. After fertilization, the female lays eggs in her sac and either dies next to them, never coming out, or, in some species, she crawls out to immediately fall to the ground and die.

Caseworm caterpillars build similar portable houses from pieces of leaves, shed larval integument and similar materials, holding them together with the secretion of the salivary glands and their excrement.

Hairs, glands and other larval structures.

Protective devices of pupae.

Protective painting.

Caterpillars and adults of moths widely use protective (cryptic) and warning (repellent) coloration. The latter attracts the attention of predators and is accordingly demonstrated by species that possess some kind of powerful defense. For example, many caterpillars are brightly colored, have an unpleasant taste caused by the secretion of special glands, or are covered with stinging hairs. The cryptic coloration, which allows them to blend into the background, is simply fantastically developed in the larvae of some species. If a caterpillar finds food on a coniferous tree, it may be virtually identical in color and shape to the needles or scales surrounding it. In other species, the larvae not only resemble small twigs in their appearance, but also rise on the branches at the moment of danger so as to further emphasize this similarity. This mechanism is characteristic, for example, of moths and some ribbon moths.

Cryptic coloration in imago moths can be illustrated by a huge number of examples. Resting individuals of some species from families distant from each other resemble heaps of bird droppings, while others blend perfectly with the granite rocks, bark, leaves or flowers on which they usually sit. Ribbon flies display bright warning colors on their hind wings in flight, but are almost indistinguishable at rest, since the cryptic pattern of the fore wings folded on the back perfectly camouflages the insect on stones or tree trunks. The wings of many moths bear spots very similar to the wide open eyes of large predators. This scares away enemies who try not to risk finding out the true size of the animal “looking” at them.

Industrial melanism

is one of the most interesting phenomena that has been attracting the attention of biologists to moths for many years. In populations, against the background of normally colored insects, there is often a small percentage of darker individuals (melanists). The formation of pigments in them is different from others, due to a gene mutation, i.e. is inherited. It has been noted that over the last century, the proportion of melanized forms in the populations of some species of moths has increased significantly, and this happened in industrial areas, mainly in Europe. Often, dark butterflies almost completely replace light ones, which were previously considered the species norm. Obviously, we are talking about some kind of rapidly developing evolutionary process.

A study of species with industrial melanism showed the following. The probability of survival of “normal” ones, i.e. light forms in rural areas are higher than among melanists, since it is the normal color that is cryptic in this type of environment. True, dark butterflies have a physiological advantage - they survive in conditions of nutritional deficiency (lack of some nutritional components), which is lethal for their light-colored counterparts, but, obviously, insects are faced with the danger of attack by predators more often than with an inadequate diet, so melanists do not only they do not displace normal individuals, but also remain in the minority. In industrial areas, many objects on which butterflies usually land are covered with soot, and dark coloring here camouflages better from enemies than normal light coloring. In addition, in conditions where food plants suffer from pollution, the reduced requirements of melanists for food quality become of particular importance. As a result, they displace normal butterflies in an industrial environment, and if the danger of nutritional deficiency becomes more important than attacks by predators, they sharply increase their presence in rural areas. Thus, the fundamental position of modern evolutionary theory is confirmed: genes that give an organism some advantage spread throughout the population if they do not simultaneously lead to the appearance of traits that reduce fitness. It is interesting to note that melanistic coloration, which has spread among butterflies in industrial and neighboring rural areas, is inherited as a dominant trait. The phenomenon of industrial melanism still requires further study. Being an excellent example of an evolutionary process occurring very quickly before our eyes, it makes it possible to better understand some of its fundamental mechanisms.


Moths are found on all continents except Antarctica and on most oceanic islands. Obviously, the ability of adults to fly has become the most important factor explaining the wide distribution of most species. However, some taxa have different main methods of dispersal. Thus, at high altitudes and in places very remote from the expected hatching areas, young caterpillars were caught traveling through the air on the silk threads they secreted. The spread of species is also facilitated by the attachment of eggs to logs and other objects, which are then transported, for example, by flood waters or wind. Many moths have symbiotic relationships with other species, and their habitats practically coincide with the distribution area of ​​​​the “hosts”. An example is the yucca moth, which breeds in yucca flowers.

Economic importance of moths.


Since the oral apparatus of the vast majority of adult moths is a soft proboscis that is not capable of piercing animal and plant tissue, the adults of these insects rarely cause harm to humans. In many cases, they feed on flower nectar, bringing undeniable benefits as pollinators of important crops.

An example of such benefit and at the same time symbiotic interdependence is the relationship of the yucca moth with yucca plants. The flower of the latter is designed in such a way that fertilization of the ovules and the development of seeds from them is impossible without the help of a pollinator. This assistance is provided by the female yucca moth. Having collected pollen from several flowers, she makes a ball out of it, which she carefully places on the stigma of the pistil, thereby ensuring the fertilization of the ovules in the ovary, where she lays her eggs. Developing yucca seeds are the only food for its larvae, which, however, eat only a small percentage of them. As a result, the complex behavior of the adults of these moths in an unusual way ensures the reproduction of very specific plants. Several species of yucca moths are known, each of which is symbiotically associated with one or more species of yucca.


Caterpillars of moths are very voracious. They can damage leaves, stems and roots of plants, eat stored food products, and spoil various fibers and other materials. The larvae of many species of moths cause significant damage to agriculture.

The harm of keratophagous moths is well known to everyone. They lay eggs on wool and fur, which their larvae feed on. The fibers of these materials are also used by some species to build pupal cocoons.

Malicious pests are grain moth, or barley moth, Indian flour moth and mill moth, which destroy grain in warehouses. All three species are cosmopolitan, i.e. They are distributed almost all over the world, and to reduce the damage they cause, it is necessary to constantly treat with insecticides.

Probably the most noticeable type of damage caused by caterpillars to plants is defoliation, i.e. destruction of foliage. Hungry butterfly larvae can literally strip fields, vegetable gardens and even forests.


The most common classification scheme for the order Lepidoptera divides it into two suborders, Palaeolepidoptera and Neolepidoptera. Their representatives differ from each other in many characteristics, including larval structures, oral apparatus, wing venation and the structure of the reproductive system. Palaeolepidoptera includes few species, but they are represented by a wide evolutionary spectrum of mostly very small forms with miner caterpillars, while the suborder Neolepidoptera unites the vast majority of modern butterflies. In total, the Lepidoptera order includes more than 100 families, some of them (only for moths) are listed below.

Glassworts (Sesiidae): slender forms with transparent wings without scales; resemble bees in appearance; fly during the day.

Moths (Pyralidae): small, varied in shape butterflies; the wings at rest are folded into a triangle: many species are pests.

Fingerwings (Pterophoridae): small forms with longitudinally dissected wings, the edges of which bear a fringe of scales.

True moths (Tineidae): very small moths with a fringe of scales along the edges of their wings.

Notched moths (Gelechiidae): small, often brightly colored moths; many, such as grain moths (barley moths), are malicious pests.

Hawk Moths (Sphingidae): Typically large species that resemble hummingbirds in appearance.

Bagworms (Psychidae): males are winged, small, darkly colored; wingless females and caterpillars live in silk bags.

Peacock-eyes (Saturniidae): very large, wide-winged butterflies with a massive body; many have “eye” spots on their wings.

Moths (Geometridae): small, slender, broad-winged forms whose caterpillars “walk”, bending in a loop in a vertical plane.

Leaf rollers (Tortricidae): small and medium-sized species; folded wings often resemble a bell in outline; many are dangerous pests, such as the spruce budworm and codling moth.

Cocoon moths (Lasiocampidae): medium-sized hairy butterflies with a massive body; caterpillars are dangerous pests.

Ursa Moths (Arctiidae): Medium-sized, hairy butterflies with brightly colored wings.

Cutworms (Noctuidae): forms with inconspicuous gray or brown wings and filamentous antennae.

Waterworts (Lymantriidae): males with gray or brown wings and feathery antennae; females are sometimes wingless; caterpillars are brightly colored.

Cutworms are unusual moths. How many varieties of cutworms exist in nature and what do they look like? Our photos and descriptions of the insect will tell you about this.

Cutworms or moths are a large family of lepidopteran insects. There are more than 35 thousand species of cutworms. There are about 1,800 species in Europe, and more than 1,500 species in Russia. Cutworms are found in various parts of the world. Any climate is suitable for their life. Cutworms thrive in deserts, mountains and tundra conditions.

Description of scoop

There are large types of cutworms and very small ones. In large species, the wingspan can reach 130 millimeters, but there are also small species that have a wingspan of no more than 10 millimeters.

Morphological characteristics of cutworm

The head of the moth is round, the forehead is characteristically convex; some individuals, on the contrary, have depressions on the forehead.

In females, the antennae have a simple structure, they are thread-like or comb-like, sometimes they can be framed by fluffy cilia. The structure of the antennae of males is more complex.

Noctuids living in the mountains have elliptical or kidney-shaped eyes. Some species have simple eyes. The proboscis is well developed; in a calm state it is curled. In some species the proboscis is reduced. The surface of the proboscis is covered with “taste cones”.

There are “bloodthirsty” exceptions among cutworms - individuals live in the tropics that feed on the lacrimal glands of mammals and their blood. Only males are bloodthirsty; they have a reinforced proboscis. Females have an undeveloped proboscis, so their diet is more “dietary”; they extract juice from fruits and plants.

Owls are nocturnal moths.

The palps of cutworms can be short or elongated. The head, chest and abdomen are often covered with scales and hairs. In addition, cutworms may have tufts of hairs.

Spurs are often located on the lower legs; other species have claws and spines. The shape of the wings is almost triangular, sometimes it can be elongated, and rarely rounded. Some species of moths have long and narrow wings; such wings allow butterflies to fly long distances. In mountain species, the wings are short, and sometimes they can be completely reduced.

The noctuid's body is full and covered with thick hairs. The wings have a pattern of spots; the spots are round, wedge-shaped and kidney-shaped. Some species have silvery and golden spots on their wings. The hind wings can be yellowish, blue, red and white. Noctuid moths, which live in climates with colorful nature, often have distinctive patterns on their wings and bodies.

Development of the scoop

There is a wide variety of cutworms, so the life cycle of different species varies greatly.

Caterpillars have up to 6 instars, during which up to 5 molts occur. Northern and mountain varieties generally have a two-year life cycle. Pupation of caterpillars occurs in earthen litter, soil or plant tissue. Mostly pupae overwinter, but middle-aged or older caterpillars can also overwinter. In warm areas, cutworms develop continuously, with several generations being formed per year. In winter, they go into a “cold stupor.”

The eggs are hemispherical in shape. The surface of the eggs is cellular or ribbed. Female cutworms lay eggs on the ground. The fertility of females can reach about 2 thousand eggs.

The caterpillar has a naked body, but it may have primary setae and, in some cases, secondary setae. The body color of the caterpillars is green, yellow or brown. There are longitudinal stripes on the body. Sometimes false legs may be located on the abdominal segment. Noctuid caterpillars are active at night, and during the day they lead a hidden lifestyle. In some species, caterpillars are predators; they additionally feed on scale insects and scale insects.

Harm from scoop

Cutworm caterpillars are divided into intrastem, gnawing and leaf-gnawing. Caterpillars mainly feed on plant sap; some species eat plant litter, mosses and lichens. In addition, caterpillars damage fruits, flowers, and sometimes eat grains in storage. Cutworms are agricultural pests.

exclamation scoop

These pests spoil potatoes, onions, carrots, peas, corn, beets, lettuce, turnips, sunflowers and strawberries. They destroy tubers and roots, after which the plants die.

Cutworm larvae spend most of their time in the ground, but may feed on leaves above. The wing span of an adult moth is 30-40 millimeters. Color varies from dark brown to light gray.

Alfalfa cutworm

These cutworms are pests of agricultural crops. Alfalfa cutworms live throughout the Russian Federation. They damage soybean, flax, corn and alfalfa plantings.

The wingspan of these butterflies reaches 38 millimeters. The wings are gray-green in color.

Alfalfa cutworm pupae spend the winter in the soil. The flight of adult butterflies takes place in May-June. In cutworms living in forest-steppe zones, 2 generations develop.

Stem cutworm

These cutworms damage cereal crops. Stem cutworms live in the steppe zone of Siberia. These pests cause damage to rye, wheat, corn and oats.

Noctuid moths of this species reach a length of 38 millimeters. The wings are yellowish-white, with a light stripe running down the center. The pupae are black and brown in color and are 15 millimeters long.

Cutworm caterpillars gnaw at the base of stems, settle inside the stem and suck out plant juices. Because of such pestilence, the plants dry out and the ears do not ripen.

The flight of stem cutworms takes place in June-July. Females lay medium-sized eggs, in an oviposition their number reaches 130 pieces. One generation of stem cutworm develops in one season.

Spring armyworm

This type of cutworm damages cereal crops. Spring cutworms live in the steppes and forests of Russia. Pests destroy plantings of barley, oats, wheat and corn. These butterflies reach 34 millimeters in length.

The wings are rusty brown and may have an orange or white patch. Females lay about 500 eggs. The spring armyworm has one generation per year.

Pea cutworm

The butterfly measures no more than 42 millimeters. The front wings are black-brown in color. There are transverse lines on the wings. The caterpillars are yellow in color, the body size of the caterpillars reaches 4 millimeters.

Flight of pea cutworms takes place in June-September. These butterflies feed on succulent plants. One female lays up to 400 eggs. Caterpillars eat leaves. 2 generations develop per year.

Sage cutworm

These butterflies are pests of essential oil crops. Sage cutworms are found wherever there is sage, lavender, mint, and other similar crops.

The wingspan of the butterfly reaches 40 millimeters. The front wings are yellow-gray, the hind wings are lighter.

The flight of these butterflies takes place in April-July. The fertility of females is up to 600 eggs. Caterpillars damage leaves, ovaries, buds and pedicels. They begin to damage plants from top to bottom. 3 generations develop in a year.

Blue armyworm

Blueheads cause damage to fruit crops. They live throughout Russia. Damage is caused to pears, apple trees, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, rowan, poplar, almond, oak, thorn, hawthorn and hazel.

The size of the butterfly reaches 50 millimeters. The wings of these cutworms have a purple tint and are dotted with brown spots and lines. The caterpillar dimensions reach 34 millimeters. The pupa reaches 17 millimeters in length. This cutworm species has one generation per year.

Yellow-brown early armyworm

This type of cutworm is especially harmful to fruit crops. Early cutworms live almost throughout the entire territory of Russia. Pests damage raspberries, apple trees, cherries, pears, plums, peach and various forest species.

Butterflies reach 35 millimeters in length. The color of the front wings is yellowish with a white stripe, the hind wings have a fringe. The body length of the caterpillars reaches 40 millimeters, and the pupa – 15 millimeters.

Females of early cutworms lay up to 900 eggs. The caterpillars of these cutworms destroy ovaries and leaves.

Scoop gamma

These pests are polyphagous. They are widespread in Russia everywhere. Gamma armyworms damage field crops such as beets, potatoes, flax, hemp, legumes and the like.

Butterflies measure up to 48 millimeters. The front wings can be purple to gray in color and have a “gamma” shaped spot on them, hence the name. These cutworms fly during the day and feed on flower nectar. One female brings 500-1500 eggs. Over the course of a year, 2 generations of gamma scoops can develop.

Classification. The most common classification scheme for the order Lepidoptera divides it into two suborders, Palaeolepidoptera and Neolepidoptera. Their representatives differ from each other in many characteristics, including larval structures, oral apparatus, wing venation and the structure of the reproductive system. Palaeolepidoptera includes few species, but they are represented by a wide evolutionary spectrum of mostly very small forms with miner caterpillars, while the suborder Neolepidoptera unites the vast majority of modern butterflies. In total, the Lepidoptera order includes more than 100 families, some of them (only for moths) are listed below. Glassworts (Sesiidae): slender forms with transparent wings without scales; resemble bees in appearance; fly during the day. Moths (Pyralidae): small, varied in shape butterflies; the wings at rest are folded into a triangle: many species are pests. Fingerwings (Pterophoridae): small forms with longitudinally dissected wings, the edges of which bear a fringe of scales. True moths (Tineidae): very small moths with a fringe of scales along the edges of their wings. Notched moths (Gelechiidae): small, often brightly colored moths; many, such as grain moths (barley moths), are malicious pests. Hawk Moths (Sphingidae): Typically large species that resemble hummingbirds in appearance. Bagworms (Psychidae): males are winged, small, darkly colored; wingless females and caterpillars live in silk bags. Peacock-eyes (Saturniidae): very large, wide-winged butterflies with a massive body; Many have "eye" spots on their wings. Moths (Geometridae): small, slender, broad-winged forms whose caterpillars “walk”, bending in a loop in a vertical plane. Leaf rollers (Tortricidae): small and medium-sized species; folded wings often resemble a bell in outline; many are dangerous pests, such as the spruce budworm and codling moth. Cocoon moths (Lasiocampidae): medium-sized hairy butterflies with a massive body; caterpillars are dangerous pests. Ursa Moths (Arctiidae): Medium-sized, hairy butterflies with brightly colored wings. Cutworms (Noctuidae): forms with inconspicuous gray or brown wings and filamentous antennae. Waterworts (Lymantriidae): males with gray or brown wings and feathery antennae; females are sometimes wingless; caterpillars are brightly colored.

Collier's Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .

Moths belong to the insect family Lepidoptera, or Butterflies. One of the main ways to tell a butterfly from a moth is to watch how they fold their wings when they sit down to rest. Butterflies usually keep their wings folded in an elevated position, while moths spread their wings horizontally. Butterflies usually flutter in the air during the daytime, and moths fly in the evening and at night. They strive for the light that burns in the night. Therefore, you can often see moths flying into the window and circling around the light bulb.
Typically, moths have camouflage markings located on the upper side of their wings, as these moths usually sit with their wings spread out. At night, protective colors do not really help the caterpillar or moth.
There are other differences: in butterflies, the antennae usually have a thickening at the end, while in moths, the antennae are straight or even shaggy. In addition, the bodies of moths are thicker than those of butterflies and are more densely covered with hairs.

Science knows many more species of moths than butterflies. Moths are usually less brightly colored than butterflies, but this is not always the case. Some moths, which have bright colors that scare away predators, are also poisonous. One species of hawkmoth is colored like a bee, and this apparently does a good job of scaring away predators. Another brightly colored species of moth is the Madagascar sunset moth. Due to the shape of its wings, it is often mistaken for a species of cavalier butterfly. She got her name from the spots on her lower wings, whose shape and color resemble the setting sun.
Moths often mate while in flight, but may also do so while resting. After the female lays her eggs near a food source for future larvae, she leaves the clutch.
The eggs can be of different shapes and colors depending on the type of moth; Soon, a larva called a caterpillar emerges from each testicle. This is the first stage of complete metamorphosis of this insect.
Caterpillars practically do nothing, just eat and eat. The larvae of many moth species feed only at night. Some of them eat almost any leaf, while some are more picky and feed only on one type of plant.
Some moths don't have a proboscis and don't need food after they've stocked up on nutrients "for the rest of their lives" during the caterpillar stage.
The caterpillar's body is covered with many hairs; other caterpillars look like dry twigs. In some species of caterpillars, the head can retract into the “shoulders” and protrude, like the head of a turtle.
Never touch hairy caterpillars! They can secrete a caustic liquid that will burn your hand even when the caterpillar itself is already dead.
Most caterpillars have very sharp jaws, ideal for capturing and chewing food. The caterpillar's body consists of several segments, some of which have outgrowths called false legs, but which are not actually legs. Nevertheless, with the help of these outgrowths the caterpillar can move. The false legs have tiny suction cups and hooks, thanks to which the caterpillar can crawl along a vertical surface. A silky cobweb thread emerges from the caterpillar's mouth; if the caterpillar accidentally falls from a height, it can climb back up this web.
Before pupation, the caterpillar molts several times, shedding its old skin and replacing it with a new one, which may be slightly different in color from the previous one. The caterpillar can eat its old skin, but it will leave the hard part that formerly covered its head intact, since this tough covering cannot be digested.
The next stage of metamorphosis after the caterpillar is the pupa, or cocoon. Having changed their skin for the last time, some caterpillars burrow into the soil and there, underground, prepare for the pupation process. The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis. Other types of caterpillars pupate while remaining on a tree trunk, or on a plant leaf, or on the surface of the ground.
Pupation is not an easy process. The caterpillar has to undergo radical changes to its body in order to move to a new stage. While the caterpillar is a fairly mobile and extremely voracious creature, the pupa almost always remains motionless.
Different species of Lepidoptera have pupae of different shapes, sizes and colors. It is shaped like a jug or a lamp with a handle. The “handle” contains a developing proboscis, with the help of which the hawk moth will subsequently feed.
It takes the pupa different amounts of time to reach the adult insect stage depending on what species the butterfly belongs to. When the moth is ready to emerge from the cocoon, it begins to secrete a liquid that softens the outer shell of the pupa so much that the insect can get out. This stage is called "imago". An insect that has barely been born is extremely vulnerable because it cannot yet fly, and to protect itself from predators it can only rely on its camouflage colors.
The wings after shedding the pupa are soft and wrinkled; they straighten out as the vessels piercing them fill with fluid pumped from the body. While waiting for the wings to dry, the newly hatched moth removes from its digestive system all the substances that were not shed along with the cocoon shell. This "waste" is called meconium.
Moths have many enemies who are not averse to dining on them, for example, bats. They grab their prey on the fly, regardless of whether the moth is sitting among the leaves or fluttering in the air.
An effective defense is the ability of some moths to also produce high-frequency sounds that can overwhelm the bat's "echolocator". Other species of moths, using an auditory organ located in their chest, can “tune in” to the ultrasonic waves emitted by the bat.
Other enemies of moths include frogs, birds, ants, spiders, mantises and hornets; all these creatures also eat caterpillars. Some insects even lay their eggs in the bodies of caterpillars, and when the larvae hatch from these eggs, they immediately find ready-made food.
The red-winged moth caterpillar can spray poison on the enemy. This protective property is necessary because it is one of the few moths that fly during the day. The squint caterpillar throws out two bright scarlet thread-like outgrowths from the rear end of its body and threatens them, scaring away the predator.
Some moths are susceptible to fungal and infectious diseases, from which they die before leaving offspring.

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