Fortune telling using a saucer and an alphabet circle. Fortune telling in the circle of Nostradamus Fortune telling circle with letters

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One of the most common fortune telling, which allows you to get answers to any questions asked, is the ritual with a saucer and an alphabet circle. For accurate information, you will need to call the spirit.

Fortune telling on a saucer

There are many ways to find out the future and get answers to your questions. For this, various attributes are used: beans, books, needles, wax, hair, cards. Fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle looks very similar to a ritual. Participation will also be required during it.

For the ritual, the alphabet and a saucer with an arrow are used - these are attributes of the spirit. He guides them and gives an accurate answer. The answers “yes” and “no” are additionally indicated on a piece of paper - this will help avoid ambiguity and will not take your breath away for long.

Fortune telling with a saucer is similar to a simple pendulum using a needle and thread. For him, it is also necessary to summon the spirit, but he only gives answers to questions in the form of “yes” or “no”. There is also a more complex form with an alphabetic circle.

For the ritual you need to use plain paper or a wooden board. It is important to apply the alphabet in a circle, this will facilitate contact with spirits. For additional convenience, it is recommended to write greeting and farewell words, as well as numbers from 0 to 9.

The ritual does not guarantee a correct prediction if there is no good connection with the spirit or if evil forces have come into contact. , will in any way oppose the ritual. Or confuse the fortuneteller by giving incorrect answers.

In order for fortune telling by alphabet to be accurate, magicians advise asking several questions, the information about which is known and obvious. The danger of the ritual lies in the possibility of causing trouble. An evil spirit coming from the other world will not want to leave the space and will decide to stay.

If you are not confident in your own abilities or have no experience in communicating with Higher Powers, use. Call upon good spirits or your closest deceased relative for help.


The main attribute used in the ritual is the saucer. It is important that it is white and new. No one should use it before you. An important element of fortune telling is paper with an alphabet circle. The larger it is, the more convenient it is for the spirit to communicate with you.

How to prepare for fortune telling in a circle:

  1. Draw a contrasting arrow on the saucer. After the ritual, no one will use the plate for its intended purpose, so you can use a permanent marker.
  2. Get together in a small group, tune in and don’t make any noise. You can perform the ritual alone.
  3. You need to turn off mobile phones and not use them to record the fortune telling process.
  4. Each participant must prepare a list of questions in advance.
  5. Sit in the corners or around the table.
  6. Choose a leader - he turns to the spirit, everyone else waits for his command.

You cannot interrupt the presenter - the spirit may become confused and angry, and become uncontrollable. Another important condition is that you need to choose in advance who you will call and write down his name on paper. Dead close relatives or good spirit helpers are suitable for this. You cannot summon angels and demons.


After all conditions are met, you need to sit down at the table. Participants place their hands on the dish, the presenter pronounces an introductory phrase.

Spirit come! We call upon the spirit (name)!

You need to say the words three times. There is also a special phrase to check presence.

Spirit, are you there?

If the Higher Powers have honored the fortune-tellers with their presence, the dish will begin to move. The arrow will turn towards a positive answer on the paper. If there is no reaction, there is no point in continuing the ritual. You can try to summon the spirit again, but you need to do this carefully, excessive persistence will anger him.

If the spirit has arrived and an answer about its presence has been received, you can begin fortune telling in a circle:

  1. The presenter asks questions from the list. Waits a few minutes, giving the Higher Power time to think.
  2. It is important to carefully observe the movement of the arrow and follow the letters. Around which he stops a little longer - combine them into words.
  3. It is forbidden to remove your hands from the saucer or push it.

Sometimes the plate moves too quickly; you need to choose one participant in the ceremony who will record the information received. He doesn't need to hold the saucer.

Additional terms

In addition to the basic rules, there are some features that must also be observed. During the ritual, it is important to open a window or window - the spirit will enter the room and exit unhindered.

All fortune-telling was previously performed only by candlelight - this is an optional condition, but part of the tradition. The same question cannot be asked several times in a row. did not answer - information is prohibited.

After all the answers have been received, you can release the Higher Power and thank it, always by name. If the spirit does not want to leave, read a prayer. During it, ask three angels by name to free you from his presence.

Fortune telling with a needle

This ritual also requires the presence of several people at once. Fortune telling on a circle with a needle is carried out similarly to its variety with a saucer, but there are also distinctive features. Here, whatman paper with letters is also used as a response board, but a pendulum is used as an otherworldly conductor.

Fortune telling with a needle and the alphabet requires preparation.

  1. Take a new needle. A red thread is threaded through it. The ends are aligned and tied with a knot.
  2. Place a wax candle in the center of the table.
  3. Take whatman paper with a circle, letters and numbers.
  4. All fortune tellers sit down at the table. One person is the leader, all the rest are participants in the process.
  5. It is important to prepare all questions in advance on a separate sheet of paper.
  6. Draw a pentagram inside a circle for fortune telling with a needle.
  7. The point is placed in the center, the eyelet with the thread should be tilted to the side.

After all the preparatory measures have been completed, the spirit is called. The phrases used are the same as in the saucer ritual.

The presenter asks questions, and everyone carefully observes which letters or numbers the needle and thread turned to, and the answers are written down. First you need to ask all the simple ones that can be answered unambiguously. And then move on to more complex issues.

You can lay out a circle of playing cards and, based on their interpretation, determine the answer of the magical assistant. The meanings are the same as in simple layouts.

After the ritual with the thread and needle, the spirit must be thanked and released. They blow out the candle and read the “Our Father” prayer three times.


If you are new to fortune telling with a needle or circle and this is your first spiritualistic session, take the advice of an experienced magician or abandon the ritual altogether. Otherwise, dangerous consequences cannot be avoided.

During such rituals, there is a risk that an embittered entity will come. An experienced magician will be able to recognize it and drive it away in time, but a beginner will not be able to do this. The spirit can cause physical harm or want to settle in the house forever.

Many who tell fortunes at a young age make the classic mistake of asking the entity to show itself. Thus, an evil spirit easily penetrates into the human world and remains here forever. The consequences of such a ritual are unpredictable and dangerous for all its participants.

There is often a need to know something in advance. Science, namely the principle of relativity and the basic postulates of quantum mechanics, does not yet allow us to do this. But magic is less categorical in this matter: you can very well find out the future. A good way to do this is fortune telling with a needle.

A simple and quick divination using a needle and thread will allow you to find out the answers to many questions concerning children

When guessing with a needle and thread, they most often ask about children. There are several types of bewitchment for children, each of which has its own characteristics and requires compliance with certain rules. Fortune telling is simple and quite fast.

Rules for fortune telling on a needle

To carry out correct fortune telling using a needle and thread, you need to properly prepare for fortune telling. Follow the rules:

  1. Day of the week. Women and men tell fortunes with a needle on different days. Women prefer to tell fortunes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. For men - on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Avoid fortune telling on Sundays and church holidays, especially if it is fortune telling for your betrothed.
  2. Date of. Do not tell fortunes on those days of the month that are divisible by seven, as well as on the third and fifth.
  3. Fortune telling time. The best time for fortune telling is evening or night. It must be dark or at least twilight.
  4. Cloth. Spacious, comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics. Remove all jewelry, including belt, watch, hair clips.
  5. Makeup. No makeup. Especially if it is fortune telling for marriage.
  6. Concentration. No one should distract you. Turn off your phone. It is better to guess when there is no one in the house. Try to focus on the subject of your fortune telling. If this is not within your power, reschedule the divination for another day.
  7. Belief in fortune telling. If you sincerely do not believe in fortune telling for children, then the predictions will be incorrect.
  8. Place of fortune telling. The workplace should be clean, the room should be fresh and not very hot.
  9. Other nuances. It's better to braid your hair (this is optional). It is preferable to guess on the floor. Avoid fortune telling in the rain and on the new moon.

Fortune telling with a sewing needle and thread for children (method one)

This kind of fortune telling with needles has become very widespread for the reason that it is very simple and quite accurate. In just a few steps you will get answers to the questions: “How many children will I have?”, “What gender will my children be?”

Let's get started:

  1. Get a new needle or a needle with your energy (no one should touch it but you). In the first case, before fortune telling, sew something with a needle or simply pass a small piece of fabric with a needle. This way you will charge it with your energy. A properly prepared needle is the key to accurate fortune telling.
  2. Take a silk thread twenty to twenty-five centimeters long. The color of the thread is important: if you are an unmarried girl, then the thread should be white, if you are married (or were married), then you need to take a red thread.
  3. Before performing a fortune telling, turn off all electronics and open the windows.

How to guess:

  1. Thread the thread through the needle so that the needle can move freely along the thread and oscillate. The thread should not be too thin so as not to break, or too thick so that the needle moves freely along it.
  2. Raise your left hand to chest level, palm up.
  3. Hold the needle and thread in your right hand.
  4. Carefully, so as not to prick yourself, lower the needle between your fingers: index and thumb. In this way, you will additionally feed the needle with your energy. Repeat this action three times.
  5. Pull the needle out from between your fingers and bring it to the center of your palm.
  6. Ask a question to the needle:

    "How many children will I have?"

  7. Remember the trajectory of the needle and the number of identical movements.
  8. If the needle moved in a circle, then you will have a daughter. If the pendulum moved back and forth (right-left, forward-back), then wait for your son. If the needle never starts moving, then you won't have children.
  9. The fortuneteller must count the number of all described circles and vibrations - this will be the answer to the question about the number of children. Guessing is strictly prohibited.

Keep in mind:

  • the gender of each child will correspond to the order: if the first movement of the needle is a oscillation, the first-born will be a boy, if the second movement is a circle, then the second will be a girl, and so on.
  • this divination does not take into account abortion or fetal death.

It should be remembered: divination does not take into account the fading of the fetus or abortions!

It is quite easy to check whether what is predicted is true or not, especially for already realized parents. It is enough to simply compare the gender of children already born and those guessed with a needle. If it matches, you can trust the needle without a doubt.

Fortune telling for a child (second method)

This fortune telling on strings allows you to answer questions regarding your children: both born and planned. Basically, you will need a bowl of water, two candles and a needle and thread. The ritual takes place at night.

Follow the plan:

  1. Light candles in your work area. Wait for them to burn for a couple of minutes.
  2. Place a bowl of water between the candles.
  3. Thread the thread (white or red) through the needle. Check if it “slides” freely along the thread.
  4. Say the following words over the water:

    “Voditsa, voditsa, why are you standing around doing nothing? Voditsa, voditsa, tell me, charge this needle with your power.”

  5. Then take the tip of the thread with your thumb and forefinger and lower the needle into the water.
  6. Pull out the needle after a few seconds.
  7. Repeat steps five or six two more times.
  8. Raise the needle above the palm of your left hand.
  9. Wait until the needle stops moving. We are talking about horizontal and vertical planes.
  10. Ask a question that interests you, to which the answer can be “yes” or “no.” For example, “Should I buy my daughter a bicycle?”, “Will my son be calm?”, “Will my eldest daughter grow up to be an athlete?”, “Will moving have a positive effect on the child?” and the like.
  11. Pay close attention to how the needle begins to behave after the question.
  12. If she started walking in circles, then the answer to your question is: “No.” If you start moving forward, backward or left and right, then the answer to your question is: “Yes.” If the needle still doesn’t start moving, then everything is in your hands.

Fortune telling with a needle for children is quite simple, and therefore it can always be used in controversial situations. It will give a clear answer and help solve problems.

To achieve truthful answers when performing this particular fortune-telling, you need to remember several nuances:

  1. The water should be cold. It is best to freeze it prematurely and give it positive energy. Alternatively, you can read fairy tales to her or say good words to someone in front of her.
  2. The room must be perfectly clean. Wipe off dust on all furniture, wipe floors, cornices, remove cobwebs, vacuum... Don't forget to ventilate the room before starting the ceremony.
  3. No animals. If you have pets, do not allow them into the room at least a day before the divination. Exception: cat.

Fortune telling for marriage

Having thought about children, it would be nice to think about the wedding. Fortune telling with a thread and a needle allows you to learn a little more about the father of your children. There are two options for divination here.

First way

To tell fortunes, you need:

  • a vessel filled to the brim with water; it is better to choose a transparent container: glass or plastic;
  • pieces of paper with the names of potential candidates (it is not necessary to know these people);
  • needle;
  • silk red or white thread;
  • four candles.

For fortune telling for marriage you will need four candles

This is a rare case when divination takes place in the morning. Even before dawn, start fortune telling. The night before fortune telling, you need to be well prepared.

  1. Attach pieces of paper with the names of potential candidates to the edge of the vessel, and place the vessel near the sofa.
  2. Tie a thread on your right hand and place the needle on the windowsill.
  3. Leave the window open at night.
  4. Having woken up before sunrise, get up and carry the vessel with water to the place where you will tell fortunes about your betrothed.
  5. Important: you cannot talk until the ceremony is completed.
  6. Place candles around the vessel at the same distance. Maintain symmetry in everything: The Universe loves order.
  7. Carefully tear the thread on your wrist and insert its tip through the eye of a prepared needle left on the windowsill. Close your eyes and say:

    “Needle, needle, tell me: who was suing me forever?” Then throw the needle exactly above the center of the bowl of water.

  8. Follow where the eye of the needle points. It is directed at a piece of paper with the name of the father of your children.

Second way

Divide one A4 sheet into small pieces of paper of the same size. On paper, write down any names that come to your mind, according to the letters of the alphabet. You can entrust this activity to a friend. Then collect all the pieces of paper in a pile and place them in a large bowl. Stir the contents with your hand. At night, place the vessel on the windowsill near an open window.

Take a gypsy needle and thread a white thread into its eye. The thread should not be very thin; it is better to take the thread as thick as possible. Leave a needle and thread under the pillow you sleep on.

Wake up at eight o'clock. Get up and pull out the needle, which has been saturated with your energy overnight. Go with it to the windowsill and randomly poke it into a pile of leaves. The name written on the pierced piece of paper will be the name of the father of your children.


Very often we just need to know something in advance. One of the popular topics in this regard is the topic of children. Fortune telling with needles allows you to find out everything about future children: gender, their number, character.

As with any ritual, during divination it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. First of all, this concerns the time and day of the event, the place allocated for fortune telling, the clothing and appearance of the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread requires a minimum of time and money and gives an accurate result.

When considering the issue of children, the question regarding the father of the children is also important. Therefore, it is advisable for fortunetellers to also familiarize themselves with how to tell fortunes about their betrothed with a needle and thread.

We wish you good luck and happiness in your family!

Fortune telling with a needle and thread can be based on two completely different principles. In one case, the thread and needle become an extension of the body of the person participating in the process, greatly enhancing his sensory abilities. In another, the needle becomes a “toy” of invisible forces and energies, since the basis of this action is a deliberate appeal to the inhabitants of the other world by calling on spirits.

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Any attempt to penetrate the subtle worlds carries with it not only the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and experience, but also certain risks associated with physical and mental health. In the case of summoning a spirit, the danger increases sharply, so if there is an urgent need, it is better to turn to a trusted specialist (for example, on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances) or strictly follow the rules of magical protection.

    General principles

    Both for adherents of the occult sciences, who observe the conditions of unobtrusive penetration into the astral plane, and for followers of practical ritual magic, working with objects (in this case, needles and thread) is not fortune telling, but obtaining the necessary information. Another thing is that the result obtained is predetermined exactly as much as its completion is predictable at the beginning of the working day. It seems natural and inevitable. But the truth is that any new circumstances on a personal or global scale can destroy or set a new course for a series of subsequent events. Therefore, any predictions can be regarded as fortune-telling with varying degrees of possibility of implementation.

    A needle strung on a thread, when certain conditions are created, becomes an instrument of personal presence at that level of existence where there is no time continuum and all events take place here and now. In this case, the accessory plays the role of a pendulum. Compared to its analogue, where the ring acts as a signal receiver, it is more sensitive, but as a result, more unpredictable. To overcome the last factor, practical skills and developments are required.

    If the selected item range is used in ritual magic and is necessary for the ritual of communication with spirits, then the needle in this case manifests itself as a miniature magic wand, accessible for manipulation by otherworldly forces of any quality.

    Working with a pendulum

    “Pure” psychics and healers rarely use a needle and thread as a pendulum to test problematic issues and diagnose diseases. There are two main reasons for this:

  1. 1. Sharp metal, when used purposefully, carries out an aggressive invasion into the subtle world. From the tip of the needle there is a direct discharge of rough energy accumulated from the surrounding material space and emanating directly from the initiator of the action, which creates a negatively charged field that attracts gray and dark entities.
  2. 2. The needle, like the ring, has a passage hole, but it is too small to ensure uniform distribution of the information and energy flow onto the outer and inner surfaces of the object. This feature, together with the center of gravity shifted downwards, in places with high energy density, introduces an element of chaos into the operation of the pendulum.

Despite some difficulties, using a needle pendulum can be quite successful if you follow certain rules:

  • It is necessary to cleanse the space of the room and the igloo with the help of the fire of a consecrated candle.
  • When starting work, the practitioner must be in a good mood.
  • Questions must be asked with maximum concentration on the problem.
  • After each response received, an energy release is performed using the free hand, with a wrist grip at the held end and a subsequent downward movement to the end of the needle.

Fortune telling is carried out using two methods aimed at obtaining a “Yes - No” answer. In the first case, the result is recorded by the movement of the pendulum. This can be rotation “clockwise” or “counterclockwise”, frontal and longitudinal swaying relative to the body of the questioner. The sign is determined individually for each person and in the very first questions.

Another method involves a written affirmation and denial. You need to take a sheet of blank paper and print on it the alphabetic symbols of the answers in the directions north - south, east - west. The needle, in a free state, so that the angle between it and the working plane is approximately 45 degrees, is placed in the center of the sheet. For each question asked, the eye of the needle will respond by turning towards the desired answer.

In both cases, a frozen or endlessly rotating needle indicates either the impossibility of answering or information overload. This should serve as a signal to end the session.

According to the principle of a pendulum, fortune telling is based on the palm: the gender of the child and the number of future children. The girl (woman) lowers the needle three times between the thumb and index finger of the open palm of her left hand, then circles the outline of the hand with a pendulum and directs the needle to the center of the palm. If the needle does not change position, there will be no children. Makes circular movements - the girl will be first. The swing of the pendulum promises a first-born son. After each answer, preliminary manipulations with the needle are repeated. When the needle freezes in one position, the fortune telling is complete.

Performing a magical ritual

Communication with the world of invisible entities is preceded by ritual actions aimed at summoning the spirit. This is an extremely risky undertaking, primarily because it opens a portal to the subtle worlds, and it is not a fact that the forces of light will respond to the call . Actions require extreme forethought and caution. Under no circumstances should you resort to magic for selfish reasons or out of simple curiosity. Here are a few provisions that should be strictly observed:

  1. 1. You cannot contact the spirits of deceased relatives, friends or acquaintances. In almost one hundred percent of cases, the call is answered by entities from the lower astral plane, that is, those who personify the forces of evil. They can offer any of the most personal information about loved ones, trying to gain trust. Secrets cannot be the decisive argument. On the other side, everything secret becomes clear, and hidden information is open to everyone.
  2. 2. You cannot try to establish contact with the so-called brownie. This will be a clear provocation, calling on demonic forces. The personality of the summoned spirit should not be specified at all. The servants of the “father of lies” will willingly use any mask.
  3. 3. One must contact any spirit present who has a desire to make contact. The first question finds out the name of the invisible “interlocutor”. Knowing the name gives advantages and the ability to control the activities of the spirit.
  4. 4. It is necessary to remain calm and confident in the event of any unexpected turn of events (the appearance of extraneous sounds, movements of objects, visions).

A circle for fortune telling with a needle can be drawn on whatman paper and filled in around the circumference with the printed alphabet. Affirmative and negative symbols should be placed between the letters in diametrically opposite directions: “Yes” and “No” or “+” and “-”. The needle is directed with its tip to the center of the circle, the thread is loosened until the needle is given the required angle of inclination to the surface of the sheet. An appeal to the spirits present is voiced or mentally formed, containing an offer to make contact. If you agree, the needle either begins a uniform circular rotation or turns its eye to the word “Yes.”

The entity is urged to introduce itself. If agreement is reached, the needle will begin to alternately point to the letters that will form the name. After this, all problematic questions are asked. At the end, the spirit is categorically asked to leave the room. The order must contain a name.

If a girl, preparing to enter into a marriage with a young man, is unsure of the correctness of her choice and has doubts about a happy life together, she can do the following manipulations:

  • a white simple thread of double length, the distance from the elbow to the wrist, is threaded into the new needle;
  • the thread is pulled into the eye until equal ends are formed on both sides;
  • the ends are folded together, but without tying a knot;
  • three stitches are made on a white, simple and not too dense fabric;
  • then the thread is sharply pulled out.

An easily released thread means that relations in the future family will be smooth. If the stitches are pulled together, crumpling the material, then married life will go awry. A broken thread predicts an imminent break in the relationship.

To find out the name of their future husband, girls lay out leaves with men's names on the table in a circle. The remaining actions correspond to manipulations with a pendulum on a paper circle. The question about the name of the future chosen one is mentally formulated. If there is a piece of paper with the intended name, the needle will point to it. If there is no such name, the pendulum will be motionless. The selection of names should be updated. And so you need to guess until a visible result is achieved.

Despite the fact that some fortune telling resembles a game, you should not take it too lightly. Also, do not perceive the result as fatal inevitability. It is best to take it as a kind of landmark: a beacon that shows the way; or the tip of an underwater rock, a collision with which should be avoided.

The desire to know their future worries people throughout the entire existence of mankind. There are many ways to penetrate the veil of secrecy, some of which involve summoning spirits. Fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle is quite dangerous. However, troubles can be avoided if you perform the ritual correctly and follow the basic rules.

During fortune telling on a saucer, you must follow all the rules

Fortune telling can be done in different ways. The most “popular” of them are as follows.

  1. Fortune telling in an even circle from a sheet of Whatman paper on which all the letters of the alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9 are written. For this ritual you will also need a light small saucer.
  2. Fortune telling with thread and needle. A circle of letters and numbers is drawn in the same way as for fortune telling with a saucer. The spirit will guide the needle, pointing to the necessary signs. Is fortune telling with an alphabet circle and a needle dangerous: if you follow all the rules and conditions, and also take the process seriously, the spirit will not cause harm.
  3. Fortune telling with playing cards. In this case, cards are laid out in a circle. The answers are read according to the meaning of each of them. You can use a saucer or a needle as a “magic pointer”.

All these methods of fortune telling have been used for many centuries. People resorted to the help of the souls of deceased relatives or famous people, whose names must be given in full during fortune telling, without using pseudonyms or abbreviations, in order to find out what awaits them ahead.

How to tell fortunes using a saucer

It should be understood that a harmless ritual can lead to disastrous consequences, causing moral and even physical harm. To prevent this from happening, all participants in the magical ritual must understand with full responsibility the seriousness of what is happening and behave in accordance with this:

  • You can’t joke or laugh;
  • the fortune telling process should take place in a calm atmosphere;
  • questions should be asked clearly and clearly;
  • You cannot comment on answers with sarcasm - the spirits can take revenge for ridicule.

Spirits should always be treated with respect. Especially in cases where they want to hear truthful answers from them.


Before starting fortune-telling, they select people who want to contact the soul of a deceased person in order to get answers to the questions that concern them. The maximum number of participants is 5 people, the minimum is 3.

Before fortune telling, you need to turn off the lights and light the candles

People taking part in the ritual must choose a special person - a medium. He will communicate with the “guest” from the other world and ask him questions.

You need to prepare a large piece of white Whatman paper in advance. A large circle is drawn on it with a pencil along the edge. On this line, letters are written in alphabetical order and numbers from 0 to 9. A line is drawn in the center that will separate positive and negative answers. At the same distance from the alphabet and this line, “yes” is written in one hemisphere, and “no” in the other.

For fortune telling you will need a small light saucer. Our grandmothers used only porcelain products for these purposes. Real porcelain is now very rare, so you can take any. Draw an arrow on the saucer with a marker.

For fortune telling you need to buy new candles. They don't have to be church-related. This condition must be taken into account. Main stages of preparation:

  • the required number of people gathers;
  • the alphabet is laid out in a circle on whatman paper or cardboard;
  • an arrow is drawn on the saucer;
  • ordinary candles are lit;
  • all metal objects are removed, if there are any on the body or on items of clothing;
  • mirrors are hung;
  • The electric light turns off.

In order for the spirit to enter and leave the room, you need to open the window. It is better to choose a non-residential premises for fortune telling. Sometimes spirits do not want to leave this world and try with all their might to remain in it. If fortune telling by alphabet occurs in an ordinary apartment, you need to let go of the otherworldly entity and make sure that it has really left.

What to do if the plate moves chaotically without stopping? You should ask the spirit if it is going to answer. The entity may not be inclined to respond or may simply be naughty. If this happens all the time, it is better to let go of this spirit and call another one.

Fortune telling process

When everything is ready for fortune telling, all participants sit around whatman paper. In the old days, the outer side of the saucer was held over a candle flame to smoke it and draw an arrow. It will move and show words, name and dates made up of letters and numbers.

The saucer should be heated over a candle flame, then it is placed in the center of the alphabet circle, upside down. Each of the fortune telling participants lightly touches the bottom of the saucer with two fingers. After this, the spirit is summoned. You need to say the following phrase:

“Spirit (name), come to us!”

As soon as the saucer begins to move, they ask whether the summoned spirit has come. The saucer will begin to rush between letters and numbers, then stop at the answer “yes”.

After a positive answer, the “medium” must ask the visiting entity with what intentions it came. It is very important. Depending on the answer, the spirit is either left or released again into another world.

If the saucer has cooled down, it is heated again. After this, they ask whether the spirit likes all the participants in the fortune telling. If someone from the company does not suit him, the arrow moves and shows the name of this person.

After all the “formalities” have been completed and the spirit has agreed to answer questions, fortune telling begins. You need to watch carefully so that the saucer does not break. This is a big disaster. Therefore, they always preferred to sit on the floor for fortune telling.

How to understand the meaning of cards during fortune telling when the arrow moves in a circle. This method of fortune telling requires knowing the meaning of each card. It is better to familiarize yourself with this information in advance or make a “cheat sheet”.

How to understand the answers

How to find out the answers to your questions during fortune telling on a plate and understand its meaning. You need to carefully monitor which letters the arrow drawn on the saucer points to. The plate can move quite quickly, so you need to watch carefully. To make the whatman paper clearly visible, you can buy more candles, which are installed in such a way as to illuminate the entire space of the room well.

Individual letters will form words, which will then form short or long phrases. Sometimes the answer is monosyllabic - positive or negative. In this case, the arrow moves towards the words “yes” or “no”.

After receiving all the answers, do not forget to release the spirit. You should thank him for his help and tell him


Then they look at the saucer and wait for a while. They ask:

"Are you still here?".

If the spirit has left, the saucer will be motionless. Only in this case can the process of fortune telling be considered completely completed.

Not all days are suitable for fortune telling. It's best to do this during Christmas time. But only from January 7 to 18. You cannot call spirits on Sundays, Easter, Christmas, Trinity and other major church holidays.

Night time is the best time to communicate with spirits. Usually they gather to tell fortunes from midnight until 4 am. Fortune telling can end unpredictably, so you should be extremely careful during the ritual.

Fortune telling with thread and needle

Fortune telling with a needle and the alphabet laid out follows the same principle as fortune telling with a saucer. However, there are some peculiarities.

Fortune telling with thread and needle should take place in a room where there are no pets. The spirit can inhabit a four-legged friend in order to remain in this world. When fortune telling occurs with a saucer, the energy of all fortune tellers together holds its power. In the case of a needle, only one person will hold it, so it will be more difficult for him to attract the spirit's attention to it.

Fortune telling with a needle should be done in a room where there are no pets

The fortune telling circle with a magnetized needle is made small. The “magic arrow” suspended on a thread should reach each letter.

Is it possible to conduct fortune telling on a plate with an arrow in the daytime? Spirits most willingly come to the call at night. The time from midnight to morning is considered the most suitable for them.

How to guess

Draw a small circle on whatman paper with a pencil. The entire alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9 are located along the line. The needle is hung on a long red woolen thread and magnetized.

Fortune telling on an even circle with a needle takes place in complete silence. Only the chosen human medium can ask questions. First, the spirit is invited to come. Then they ask if he is in the room and if all participants in the action are happy with him. After this, the process of fortune telling begins.

The nickname is lowered down, then a circle is drawn with a needle. The needle stops on the desired letter or number. You need to have time to follow all the movements of the needle in order to read the answer. It can also be monosyllabic - “yes” or “no”.

After the ritual, you must remember to release the spirit, thanking it for the spiritualistic session. And also make sure that the entity has returned back to its world.

Fortune telling on a saucer is very common, as it allows you to get a clear answer to any question posed. This ritual is similar to the ritual of summoning spirits, since in order to obtain the necessary information you will have to resort to the help of higher powers.

In the article:

Fortune telling on a saucer - calling the spirit

A lot of different ways have come down to our time with which you can answer questions of interest:, and other magical attributes.

Fortune telling on a saucer is very similar to the ancient one, when the magician needs to use the help of Higher powers to carry out the ritual. In this case, the ceremony is carried out using the alphabet and a small wooden sign guided by the spirit.

Also, the ritual is a little reminiscent of or. If you choose fortune telling on a saucer, then you definitely need to arm yourself with an attribute on which the alphabet will be written, as well as “yes” and “no”.

The alphabet can be written on a regular Whatman paper or on a board (whichever is convenient for you), preferably in a circle. Also, some experts advise to write words such as “Hello”, “Goodbye”. Quite often numbers from 0 to 9 are written on whatman paper.

Remember, in order to get a correct prediction, you must be able to establish a relationship with the spirit. Quite often, instead of good helpers, an evil entity from the other world may come to the call of an inexperienced mog. At best, she simply will not allow the ritual to be performed correctly or will give incorrect answers.

Perhaps the evil spirit will not want to go back to its world and will try to stay. Therefore, if you are unsure of your abilities or do not have enough experience, use rituals or.

Preparing for the ritual

Before you start fortune telling, you need to prepare. The main attribute of the ritual is the saucer. The plate must be white and new. No one should have used it before.

The attribute is placed inside a circle, on the outside of which the alphabet is written. Be sure to draw an arrow on the edge of the plate. It will point to the desired letter. It is advisable not to perform the ritual on your own, but in a small company.

It is important that all participants in the ritual do not talk to each other, do not laugh, do not make noise, and do not take videos or photos of the ritual. When you are ready to perform the ceremony, everyone should sit around the prepared attributes and place their fingertips on the edges of the plate.

Remember, you cannot hold it, try to move it, jokes are not appropriate in this fortune-telling. You must first select a leader who will talk to the soul and ask it questions. Therefore, write in advance a list of all the questions that each fortune-telling participant wants to ask. It is inappropriate to come up with them on the fly.

During the ritual, you should not interrupt the leader or try to ask another question to the spirit. Otherwise, he will not understand who needs to be obeyed and may become uncontrollable.

Conducting fortune telling with a plate and alphabet

When everything is ready and all participants have placed their hands on the dish, the leader should say:

We call upon the spirit (name)!

Says these words exactly three times. After this, you can check whether the required spirit has arrived. In order to understand whether a magical assistant has come, you need to ask:

Spirit, are you there?

If everything is done correctly, the dish will begin to move and the arrow will point to the answer “yes”. Then you need to say hello to the spirit, and he will answer you in kind. If there is no response, then there is no point in continuing the ritual.

You can try to summon the spirit a few more times, but if it refuses to appear, then with such persistence you can only anger it. If everything was done correctly and the spirit has come, then you can proceed directly to the fortune telling itself.

Now the leader must ask questions from the list, giving the spirit time to think and answer. Pay close attention to how the plate moves and what letters it lingers on. During the ritual, it is important not to take your fingers off the plate or push it.

To make it easier for you to keep track of the answers, one of the ritual participants can write down the letters that the ghost shows. Thus, after performing the ritual, it will be easier for you to figure out what the answers were, because quite often the magic attribute moves very quickly, and it is difficult to keep track of which letters it stops on.

Additional rules

Saucer on whatman paper with alphabet

If you decide to find out your future using a saucer of wooden boards with the alphabet, then you need to adhere to certain rules, the observance of which is necessary for the correct conduct of the ritual.

First of all, when performing the ceremony, be sure to leave a window or window open. This ensures that the spirit will be able to enter and leave the room. It is advisable not to use light sources such as lamps. Pay tribute to tradition and light three candles during the ritual.

Remember, they must be made of natural wax; paraffin candles are not used in magical rituals. Maintain complete silence during fortune telling. Only the presenter is allowed to speak.

When you ask questions, please note that the same question cannot be asked twice. If the spirit ignored it or answered negatively, this suggests that you should not know the answer to this question.

There is no need to try to get an answer by any possible means, ask the spirit, ask this question several times, demand an answer. Otherwise, the magical assistant will only get angry and this will not lead to anything good. If you come across a powerful enough spirit, it will even be able to cause damage if it is very angry.

Once you have all the necessary information, be sure to send the spirit to its world. For some, simply saying goodbye and asking to leave is enough. But there are times when the spirit does not want to get out of our world.

In this case, you can read the text of the prayer “Our Father” and ask the Higher powers to take the spirit home. The ritual ends only after the spirit leaves and stops responding to your words.

Cautions - what should you be wary of?

If you are an inexperienced magician, and such a spiritualistic session is your first contact with otherworldly forces, then be sure to use the help of a more experienced comrade. Otherwise, there are a number of things you should be wary of.

Sometimes even after calling a good spirit through a ritual, there is a possibility that an embittered entity from the other world will come instead. An experienced magician will be able to recognize it and drive it away. You may not have enough strength and skill for this. Therefore, do not neglect the help of more experienced comrades.

You should be wary of a strong assistant from the other world who wants to stay here. It won't be easy to drive him away without outside help. This is another example explaining why you should not use these rituals alone.

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